Underneath the Skin

The Pilot Episode

Tony Season 1 Episode 1

In the first episode of "Underneath the Skin," Tony Davis steps away from his tattoo studio and sits down with his wife, Amanda Davis, to discuss the process of starting a podcast. While typically engaging in conversation with clients while tattooing them, Tony talks with  Amanda about the process and excitement that come with starting a new creative endeavor. 

As a tattoo artist, Tony has had countless conversations with his clients about their personal experiences and the stories behind their tattoos. It was through these conversations that the idea for "Underneath the Skin" was born. Throughout the episode, they reflect on the inspiration and share their thoughts on the process of developing the concept. They offer a behind-the-scenes look at what it's like to start a podcast from scratch.

As they discuss their hopes and goals for the podcast, Tony and Amanda explore the themes that will be explored in future episodes. From examining the artistry and symbolism behind tattoos to exploring the personal stories that lie underneath them, "Underneath the Skin" promises to be a thought-provoking and introspective journey.

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